provides a handy list of all 120 current Crayola crayon colors (along with their hex and RGB values).
And while we’re in the crayon box, check out this full list of crayon colors and the years they were added or deleted. I can remember the thrill of getting that fat box of 64 colors, which included a built-in sharpener and a crayon called “Flesh.” When its name was changed to “Peach” in 1962, it was probably my first lesson in racial sensitivity.
Other colors dropped from the box since my childhood coloring days: Maize, Lemon Yellow, Blue Gray, Raw Umber, Green Blue, Orange Red, Orange Yellow and Violet Blue. (How can anyone color without Raw Umbrage–er, I mean Umber?)
Along the way from its original package of 8 crayons to today’s bountiful box of 120 colors, Crayola recognized the limitations of using actual spectrum color names, which are broad and abstract, and began using metaphors in their naming strategy.
Among the newest crayons in today’s box: Mango Tango, Jazzberry Jam, Inch Worm and Wild Blue Yonder.
On a related note, does anyone think this is a good idea?
This is a line extension that fails to leverage Crayola’s core brand essence–creativity and play. It’s just a beverage. While it may catch a child’s eye as he’s passing by in a shopping cart, Crayola branding does nothing for a juice cooler, and a juice cooler does nothing to enhance the Crayola brand.
Plus, I’m no longer 8 years old, but still—the thought of drinking a crayon is, well, yucky.
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