Are Fake News Sites Tainting the .co Extension?

Are Fake News Sites Tainting the .co Extension?

If you’re among the 44% of the American public who get their news from Facebook, you’ve seen fake news. Often hyper-partisan, the headlines are deliberately crafted to enrage: “Obama Signs Executive Order Banning Pledge of Allegiance in Schools...

My Own Private .idaho

Some good news out of Paris last week. Internet regulators convened to discuss opening up top-level domains to companies, organizations and governments who can afford to buy them. For a price tag ranging from about $40,000 to $400,000, you can buy your very own...

Crusher’s no-nonsense solution

Crusher is a scrappy new online invitation service now competing with the likes of Evite. Launched in 2007, Crusher came late to the tech party and found that, like hundreds of other startups in their shoes, they could not secure the prima facie domain name that...