Feel the Burn

Feel the Burn

Peruse the many brands of hot sauce available in the U.S. and you’ll find a collection of raucous names alluding to the potency of the sauce inside the bottle. Many names gleefully defy the safe and staid conventions of packaged goods, referring not to taste or...
Out of the Dorm Room

Out of the Dorm Room

Tech Naming Grows Up Are technology entrepreneurs wising up about startup naming? After the silliness of Web 2.0 naming (which brought us “Doostang,” “Thoop,” “Tagtooga,” “Xobni,” “Joomla,” “Meemo,” “Sporge” and countless other brands, most of...
Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit

Racist brands have littered our marketplace for decades. Some, like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s, have made modest attempts to appear less offensive, while others (I’m looking at you, Washington Redskins) staunchly defend their brands against mounting...