When can a powerful name work against you? When you don’t deliver on its promise. Take this example:

Back in April, Britain’s official weather forecasting service predicted beautiful weather for the upcoming summer season. But instead of using typical language and calling for a “dry and sunny summer,” they used the phrase, “barbecue summer.”

The name resonated with sun-hungry Brits. It conjured images of family cookouts under clear, blue skies. Tank tops and shorts. Days at the beach.

In short, “barbecue summer” did everything an evocative name should do. Too bad the weather didn’t get the memo.

Contrary to forecasts, Britain’s weather has been a soggy mess, and people are mad. They were promised a “barbecue summer,” after all.

The lesson for branders: Use distinctive, evocative language in your brand name for impact and memorability.

Just be sure your brand promise is one that you can always keep.