Change your life.

A Twin Cities entrepreneur came to Pollywog with the vision of a new kind of wellness studio that combined aspects of yoga, meditation, spiritual guidance and Hanna somatic education. Through this integrated practice, she provides the tools to help people become more conscious in their daily lives, improving body, mind and spirit.

Sometimes the things that make us unhappy aren’t around us—they’re within us. By learning new ways of thinking, moving, even breathing, you can learn to release muscular tension and the unconscious patterns that cause it. You can see how your own thought patterns may be creating unhappiness and obscuring your essential goodness. You can step into your own power. You can change your life.

“Zag,” a shortened form of “zig-zag,” connotes a change of direction, directly reflecting the brand promise to help people change their lives. Short, memorable and easy to say and spell, “Zag” metacommunicates that the shortest path to happiness lies within.

Gracia McKinley